Peer Review – Pod 5


General Comments

Hello, Yue, Saina, Yang, and Huanghao. First, I would like to thank you all for sharing your interactive learning resource. It is very well thought out, and I enjoyed reading it. I think the formatting of the resource is clear, and your group topic is interesting and relevant for the students who study that. I would like to provide some suggestions about which areas of your interactive learning resource are particularly strong, and which areas I think can be improved.

Resource Overview

Forgive me if I am mistaken or have overlooked something, but I could not find the resource overview. I noticed that you have a page called ‘guidance of learning design,’ which may be functioning as the overview. If that is the case, I think it maybe could benefit from a bit more detail. 

Learning Design Rationale

With reference to the learning theory your group will utilize, I think constructivism is a good fit. However, I think it would perhaps benefit the strength of your resource if you decide to connect the theory directly to some of the activities you will have. It may be good to give an example of how the theory will function in your lesson, but that is just my suggestion. As for the learning design, you can maybe say how the two types will interact, or how you will design it so the different types do not contradict each other.

Learning Context

As for the learning context, I think the size of the class is suitable. You said that you want students who are independent thinkers. How will your group ensure that the students who register your class are independent thinking? Maybe you can write more clearly how students will be chosen for this class, or if you will teach the skills they need, such as independent thinking or conducting viral publicity, which you also wrote about in this section.

Learning Outcomes

For learning outcomes, I think this section is good. You write clearly what information the students will be expected to remember. Personally, I would not make any changes to this section.

Interactive Activity

I think all your activities are good for the student’s to increase learning. For this section, your group wrote about four activities you would like to do with students. But I wonder, will it be able to be completed on time? If the class period is not long enough, perhaps it will not be enough time to do all activities well. I think it could maybe be useful to combine the two videos into one activity and two readings into one activity, but that is just my personal opinion.

Assessment Plan

Your assessment plan writes what is the goal for your learners. However, I think it would be useful to write what methods you will use to show that your learners have understood the topic. How will you know whether or not the students have achieved the learning objectives you wrote about before? For example, you can have the students do a short quiz or write an online discussion so that the teacher can see if the students learned the material fully or not.

Design For Inclusion of Diverse Learners

I think it was a good choice to do the English Language Learner as your target audience. I know your group has ELL students, so you understand well the struggles that may be faced by them. To make a suggestion for the students with hearing impairment, maybe they would benefit from a video that has subtitles, so they do not have to rely on their hearing.

Choice of Technology

Your technology choices include some good resources. A Facebook group can be useful for facilitating discussion. And the Iclicker website you mention is good for in class quizzing which can let the teacher know about students’ knowledge or opinion. Even if it is good, I think perhaps you could improve the role of technology in your resource by stating directly which activity you will use each technology for.


I think that your resources themselves seem to be quality and come from reputable sources. If I had to suggest an improvement, maybe the full source citations would be better put towards the end of the resource, rather than the beginning. I think the long citations may distract from your ideas, which should be most important. But overall, I think the source content is good.

Closing Comments

Finally, I would like to thank you all again for sharing your resource with me. I hope that some of the suggestions I gave can be of use for you guys. I think the final resource will be really good and informative for the student’s safety. 

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